So obviously I’m still without employment. Still wavering between optimistic and gloomy. Here’s something that doesn’t help: My M.A. I know my degree has given me a lot of benefits, but it’s just incredibly frustrating that in this moment, it seems to be hurting more than helping. Yes, I said it. Let me explain, little ones. I am still very much considered entry level in the arts management world. Despite my internships and previous real-life-grown-up-job, I don’t have enough experience to be seriously considered for managerial positions. But I’m overqualified because of my M.A. I don’t have enough experience for Experienced-level jobs, and I’m too educated for entry-level. That leaves “coordinator” and “associate” level positions as my best option (and even then, the tasks associated with these vary on the perception of the organization)…so I have to either specifically wait for jobs with those titles, or potentially waste my time applying to jobs that either won’t take me seriously based on experience, or assume too much about me based on my M.A*. Awesome.
Okay, rant/pity party over. Things will work out, and the right thing will come along, but it’s hard to stay patient.
This happened a long time ago, but I keep forgetting to mention it. Schmapp (online/iPone application Map-Guide) contacted me a few months ago to tell me that a couple of my photographs from London/Paris are being used for their guides! Nothing really comes of it other than a credit under the photographs. No compensation, but it’s still a neat kinda thing.
Here is the one for Bath:
and for Paris:
Thirdly, this guy:
Please indulge me with these photos. I miss my doggy terribly. Also, for anyone that is just joining us, he isn’t in doggie heaven or anything. He’s just in Florida with my parents. I’m just melodramatic.
Speaking of melodramatic, I loooooaaathe Tatiana delSTFU from American Idol. But I love Anoop. Also, have you heard of that Stage 46 book? I’m curious to read it but I don’t really want to buy it. I love AI, but it’s totally rigged. Like, voting is a sham, winner is chosen by the producers rigged. Or maybe not, but I love a good conspiracy theory.
*Lest you think this is all in my head, this opinion/information is based upon a conversation I had with a friend of mine in our program, who went on an interview with a woman who essentially told her this. DOUBLE AWESOME.
1 comment:
OK, so a few things, the Ped-Egg infomercials gross me out - there is this shot of the woman opening it up and pouring out all her footshavings into the garbage *vom* but I'm glad to know it works. Also - Dan totally in the same spot in terms of no work experience/masters degree thing. It's no fun, but keep your head up!! And, that is awesome about your pics! Maybe photographer as career? Hmmmmmmmm? *mwah* miss you.
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