
formal family, the squeakuel

from: LB
to: frank

subject: hello father!

dearest sir,

i am writing today to inquire if any events or galas will occur this weekend, when carolyn elizabeth farrington benson will be having the anniversary of the day of her birth. 

warm regards,

laura anne benson


From: Frank
to: LB

subject: Re: hello father!

dearest mademoiselle benson,
I am responding to your inquiry of 30 December regarding your mother's birthday celebration.  I am anticipating a small intimate gathering (you, me, pepper and the guest of honor).  If you would like to bring a birthday dessert of some kind (store bought would be wonderful, I'm sure -carrot cake, cherry pie, cupcakes bombe surprise-whatever floateth thy boat).
As far as the day goes, I'm guessing Saturday would be appropriate, considering that is her birthday.
warmest felicitations,


meghan said...

I think I shall end all future communication with "warmest felicitations."

KK said...

i saw the WORST greeting card I have ever seen today. it was a side profile of a woman's body, as if she was giving birth and you can see the babies head coming out of her vijay (again, from the side, not straight on) but the head is wearing a pointed hat that says 'happy birthday' and the inside of the card said something like 'congrats on the anniversary of giving birth' and i was just....NO. NO NO NO NO.

i'm sorry that your story made me think of that.